Do you want to expand your knowledge in brand strategy? We have the solution. We have selected a list of different books on the subject that explain, exemplify and treat the topic from different approaches. This is a list of essential books on brand strategy that you should know.
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Don’t miss these books on brand strategy
This is our selection of books on brand strategy so you can improve your skills in this field. They are readings with different approaches, from recognized authors in the field and essential if you want to understand the entire width of a brand strategy. They are accessible books that will improve your capabilities in this area of branding. Let’s go there.
Las marcas según Aake: 20 principles for success

Qualification: Las marcas según Aake: 20 principles for success
Author: David Aaker, Roberto Alvarez
Edit: Knowledge management
Language: Spanish
As we said at the beginning, there is currently an excess of information on branding, marketing and branding topics and books. There are many ideas floating around, but many of them are wrong or outdated.
Hence our recommendation. David Aaker He is recognized as the father of modern branding. In this book he presents The definitive guide to brands through 20 essential principles of branding.
On the one hand, the book that demystifies and eliminates confusion. And at the same time it provides the best and most current of several of Aaker’s books, (Building Powerful Brands, Brand Relevance, Brand Leadership) while advancing the theory of brand management and, by extension, management. business in general.
More than a branding book, it is an always current guide that It allows us to maintain strong brands and take advantage of synergies with other own or third-party brands. If followed, these principles will provide the business with a robust and sustainable strategy.
Why do we recommend this book to you? Learning branding from the best is always the best option. And the Aaker’s workWithout a doubt, it cannot be missing from your branding library. Each of these principles have been extracted from his entire professional life. Concentrated knowledge pills to advance your branding knowledge.
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Qualification: Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
Author: Al Ries and Jack Trout
Edit: McGraw Hill
Language: English
This book first published in 1981, remains a timeless reading that explores the importance of product or brand positioning in the consumer’s mind. Al Ries and Jack Trout show how all the elements of positioning collaborate and work together to create a unique position in the market, key to improving sales and occupying a place in the consumer’s mind.
Why do we recommend this book? The authors of the book They highlight the importance of being first in the customer’s mind, the challenges of repositioning and the need to differentiate from competitors. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, provides valuable ideas on branding and communication strategies, making the book a basic resource for marketing and business professionals. Additionally, they show many practical cases and analyzes of some of the most important successes and failures in the history of advertising.
Brand Portfolio Strategy

Qualification: Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity
Author: David A. Aaker
Edit: Free Press
Language: English
Brand Portfolio Strategy was written by the famous David Aaker in 2004. Although the years have passed, the current reality shows us that the online availability and accessibility of products and services have transformed the market, commoditizing almost all offers. Given this phenomenon, differentiation through branding becomes increasingly crucial for companies. As with the previous book, the premises raised by Aaker remain just as relevant today, highlighting the importance of a solid brand strategy to stand out in a saturated and competitive market.
Why do we recommend this book? The reading offers a detailed guide on building a brand portfolio strategy that supports the corporate vision and promotes relevance, differentiation, dynamism, utilization and clarity.
Through an analysis of cases of iconic brands worldwide, such as Dell, Disney, Microsoft, Sony, Dove, Intel or CitiGroupAaker exemplifies how cohesive and powerful brand strategies have enabled managers to revitalize brands, drive business growth and establish discipline in portfolios that were previously overwhelmed by a confusing mix of master brands, sub-brands, supporting brands, co-brands and brand extensions.
The Long and the Short of it

Qualification: The Long and the Short of it
Author: Les Binet and Peter Field
Edit: Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
Language: English
The Long and the Short of It It is a book that analyzes the effectiveness of brand strategies in the short and long term. Based on extensive research and data collected from various advertising and marketing studies, the authors argue that both short-term and long-term strategies are critical to a company’s success.
The book highlights the importance of long-term strategies, which focus on brand building, customer loyalty and long-term value creation. These strategies typically involve emotional and engaging messages that aim to create a meaningful connection with the consumer.
On the other hand, The need for short-term strategies is also recognized, that focus on generating immediate sales and obtaining a direct response from the consumer. These strategies are typically more promotion-oriented and may include discounts, special offers, or specific calls to action.
Why do we recommend this book? The work by Les Binet and Peter Field offers practical recommendations on how to balance these two perspectives in brand strategies, recognizing that both are important and complementary. Finding the right balance between short- and long-term strategies allows companies to maximize their impact. and achieve sustainable growth over time.
Start with why

Qualification: Start with why
Author: Simon Sinek
Edit: Penguin
Language: Spanish
Start with why (Start With Why) by Simon Sinek focuses on the importance of starting with the “why” rather than the “how” or “what” when communicating and building an effective brand and strategy. This book comes from a Ted Talk that its author gave in 2009. That talk, called ‘How great leaders inspire action’, is the third most viewed TED conference of all time, with 65 million views on the official website of the channel.
In the book, the author introduces the concept of the “Golden Circle,” which consists of three concentric rings: “Why,” “How,” and “What.” He argues that effective organizations and leaders start with the “why,” the core purpose or reason for existing, before addressing the “how” (their process or method) and the “what” (the products or services they offer). .
Sinek maintains that Companies and leaders who communicate their “why” effectively can attract and retain loyal and engaged customers.. This is because they connect emotionally with their audience by sharing common values and beliefs that motivate them to connect with the brand on a deeper level.
Why do we recommend this book? Sinek explores how inspirational leadership can influence organizational culture and brand perceptionwhich makes it a valuable reading for those seeking to understand and enhance the power of branding. What makes this book even more powerful is its solid scientific basis, backed by various research in each of its chapters. This scientific approach provides credibility and depth to the concepts presented.
How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know

Qualification: How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know
Author: Byron Sharp
Edit: Oxford University Press
Language: English
How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know It has a close relationship with the creation and management of brands. Although The book challenges many conventional ideas in the field of marketing.its focus on growing brands and building a strong presence in the market also focuses the reader’s focus on branding.
The work of Byron Sharp argues that brand differentiation is not as crucial as commonly believed and that customer loyalty is not the primary driver of a brand’s growth. Instead, emphasizes the importance of brand availability and the need to reach a broad consumer baseeven those who are not loyal to the brand.
This approach challenges the traditional notion of branding that focuses on creating a unique and differentiated brand. Instead, highlights the importance of brand consistency and market presence to generate growth.
Why do we recommend this book? It is a reading that offers another perspective on how to build and grow brands in a competitive market. It has a data-based approach, with practical insights that can help develop new branding strategies. By challenging the most conventional beliefs, the book opens the door to innovation and critical thinking in the sector.
These are just a few of the brand strategy books you should have on your radar. Readings that will help you expand your capabilities on this front, add value and be able to make informed decisions. If you think we are missing a book to add, do not hesitate to comment on the publication. This is how we build a library shared among the entire community.
By the way, don’t miss our selection of books on branding fundamentals. Join the Brandemia Community and participate in conversations like these. Enter now and discover a space where you can share with other professionals like you.
Most of the topics covered in these books on brand strategy are summarized in the course Strategy: Keys to building brands from the foundations, taught by Olga Llopis. Do not miss this opportunity! Sign up now and take your branding skills to the next level.