Netflix expands initial game testing and has revealed plans to broaden its game testing to encompass more devices, including TVs and computers. This expansion follows the initial launch of games on mobile phones and is set to begin with limited testing in Canada and the U.K.
Game Testing Across Various Platforms
Starting in Canada and the U.K., Netflix subscribers will have the opportunity to test games on their TVs. In the upcoming weeks, this testing will extend to computers, with PC and Mac users gaining access to games via and supported browsers.
Initial Game Offerings
The testing phase will feature two games: “Oxenfree” from Night School Studio, which Netflix acquired in 2021, and “Molehew’s Mining Adventure,” an arcade-style gem-mining game.
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Device Compatibility
Supported devices for TV-based gaming include Amazon Fire TV Streaming Media Players, Chromecast with Google TV, LG TVs, Nvidia Shield TV, Roku devices and TVs, Samsung Smart TVs, and Walmart ONN. Notably absent from the list is Apple TV.
Gaming Controller App
Netflix recently introduced an iPhone game controller app, hinting at its imminent game testing expansion. The app utilizes QR codes to connect with the Netflix app on the TV, enabling a seamless gaming experience.
Testing and Improvements
During this limited beta phase, Netflix aims to enhance its game streaming technology and user experience. The company hopes to garner valuable feedback from testers to refine its offerings.
Netflix’s Gaming Ambitions
Netflix’s expansion into cloud gaming was signaled in 2021 when the company announced its intention to enter the gaming sphere. While not positioning itself as a direct competitor to established gaming platforms like PlayStation and Xbox, Netflix aims to offer a unique and accessible gaming experience across devices.
Upcoming Game Portfolio
Information | Details |
Netflix’s Game Launch Plans for This Year | 40 total games planned for launch in the near future |
In-House Developed Games | 16 games created by Netflix’s in-house studios |
Collaborative Titles with External Partners | 70 additional games developed in partnership with external collaborators |
Netflix’s Gaming Debut | Entered the gaming industry in November 2021 |
Number of Mobile Games Released Since November 2021 | 70 mobile games have been released by Netflix |

Netflix’s strategic move to expand game testing beyond mobile phones reflects its commitment to offering a versatile gaming experience to subscribers. This step is in line with the company’s continued efforts to evolve and innovate its entertainment offerings.